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Shoulder pain
Your shoulder has one of the widest ranges of movement of any joint. From scratching your lower back to brushing your hair, your shoulder moves freely and without restriction. But, with such freedom also comes instability. The shoulder lacks many support structures seen in other ball-and-socket joints, like the hip.
Shoulder pain is, therefore, extremely common. It’s also debilitating. In this article, we’ll explain what shoulder pain is and what causes it. And we’ll also advise on when to seek medical attention.
A quick overview of shoulder anatomy
To understand how shoulder pain occurs, you need to understand the shoulder’s structure. The shoulder joint has three bones:
Humerus (Upper arm)
Scapular (Shoulder blade)
Clavicle (Collar bone)
The humerus and clavicle attach to the scapular, meaning the shoulder joint is actually two joints. The glenohumeral joint (GHJ) is a ball-and-socket joint with a shallow socket held in place by the rotator cuff muscles and ligaments. The acromioclavicular joint (ACJ) supports the scapula, leading to fewer injuries.
Causes and associated symptoms of shoulder pain
Every structure in the shoulder can become injured, causing a specific presentation of shoulder pain. Rotator cuff problems are amongst the most common. In fact, more than 2 million Americans report rotator cuff problems annually.
Here are some causes:
Rotator cuff problems involve three potential causes: (1) tendonitis or inflammation of the tendons, (2) bursitis or inflammation of the lubricating fluid-filled sacs, (3) rotator cuff tear where the tendon pulls from the bone. Pain will occur on reaching or throwing and typically worsens at night. If inflamed, the shoulder may also be stiff.
Frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis presents with joint stiffness and pain. The condition persists for months, gradually resolving. The cause is unknown.
Osteoarthritis caused by the wear-and-tear of the cartilage covering the joints results in bone scraping on bone. Expect reduced movement, pain, and stiffness.
Tendon tears most commonly involve an anterior-posterior tear of the glenoid labrum. It’s most often caused by a fall on an outstretched hand.
Subluxation or dislocation is where the shoulder is unstable in the joint or, as a result of trauma, is disconnected from the joint entirely. This requires medical attention.
Other causes include calcific tendonitis, bicep tendonitis, biceps tendon rupture, ACJ arthritis, ACJ separation, and distal clavicle osteolysis.
Treatment for shoulder pain will depend almost entirely on the cause. However, if not severe, you can manage symptoms with these tips:
Rest is particularly important for inflamed or irritated joints. Too much rest can lead to joint stiffness, however.
Ice and heat application will reduce pain and swelling. Usually, ice packs are for acute injuries, and heat pads are for chronic conditions.
Gentle exercise is critical. You’ll want to improve your mobility and strength. Working with a physiotherapist can also be helpful.
Medications, like NSAIDs (ibuprofen), will relieve inflammation-associated pain. For prolonged shoulder pain, a doctor may prescribe a steroid injection.
Chiropractors are trained to perform manipulations to the shoulder joint that will help normalise shoulder movement, once the shoulder is moving better the shoulder pain will be relieved. Another technique that a Chiropractor may use is dry-needling which is great to relieve any tight shoulder muscles which could be contributing to the pain. When treating shoulder pain, the chiropractor will always assess the cervical spine to make sure there is a proper nerve supply to the shoulder joint.
Always consult a medical practitioner if the pain is severe in both shoulders, prolonged for over a week, or you feel feverish or unwell.
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How Does Chiropractic WorkWhen your spinal joints are not moving correctly, it puts a lot on your spinal nerves. This pressure causes your body to start breaking down a lot of functional processes because it isn’t getting accurate/complete messages from the brain. This shows up in many ways and some of these are in the form of pain, headaches, digestive issues, slow or difficult movement and many other physical symptoms. Our main goal as Chiropractors is to take the pressure off the nervous system and allow the brain to communicate freely with the body using gentle Chiropractic techniques at specific joint levels. All body systems can then work at peak performance, movement is easier, and pain is decreased because the body is not in a constant stress mode.
How Safe Is A Chiropractic AdjustmentIf delivered by a person who is specially trained and qualified to deliver a Chiropractic adjustment to a specific joint level, then it is extremely safe. A clinical review of 250 published articles in 2017 examined both serious and unfavourable events linked to Chiropractic treatment. The outcome of the researchers’ evaluation showed that only 1 in 2 million spinal adjustments had any serious side effects.
How Can A Chiropractor Help YouDoctors of Chiropractic are specially trained in the evaluation and treatment of spinal conditions. Chiropractors are known for treating neck and back pain, however they are also able to treat headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, jaw pain, sciatica, tingling in the arms and legs as well as any joint pain (shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, ankles).
What Are The Benefits Of Chiropractic TreatmentBetter joint movement Decreased joint pain Muscle relaxation Improved posture Slowing down of joint degeneration Enhancing your body’s ability to repair and heal
Is Chiropractic Care ExpensiveChiropractic has demonstrated itself to be one of the most cost-effective forms of treatment for musculoskeletal conditions.
What You Can Expect On Your First VisitYour initial visit will begin with a consultation. Dr. Tina will take a case history and ask about your present condition. Next, Dr. Tina will perform an examination to evaluate the nature of your problem. This examination generally includes a series of basic physical tests, as well as a specialised Chiropractic evaluation of spinal movement and posture. After completing the analysis, Dr. Tina will explain your problem and map out an appropriate plan of action with you. The treatment will begin on the first visit where by the muscles will be loosened and a spinal manipulation will be applied to specific joints in your spine that are locked. Over the course of your care, Dr. Tina will monitor your individual response and may also recommend changes to your lifestyle, work environment and exercise patterns.
Do You Need A Referral To See A ChiropractorAnyone is free to make an appointment to seek Chiropractic care without the need for referral by another medical professional, however some medical aids do require that you be referred by your network GP.
Which Treatment Techniques Are Used By Dr. TinaDepending on the type of condition you present with and the programme you have chosen, our techniques are carefully chosen to reach your goals and offer you relief. The primary technique we use is gentle chiropractic adjustments. It may also include (when needed) soft tissue techniques such as: Joint Mobilisation Dry Needling therapy TENS machine massage Hypervolt massage
How Many Chiropractic Sessions Will You NeedThe number of visits you make to Dr. Tina depends on the nature of your condition and your personal goals. Many people use Chiropractic as part of a preventive health care routine, scheduling Chiropractic appointments on a regular basis to keep their bodies functioning at their best. Others seek care and treatment for specific conditions with the primary goal of treatment being pain relief. It is important for you to discuss your objectives with Dr. Tina in order to develop a treatment plan that works best for you.
How You Can Pay For Your SessionsThere are three ways to pay for your sessions: 1. Medical Aid We will authorise each consultation with your medical aid. When booking your initial appointment you will be asked to provide all your medical aid details. If your medical aid does not cover the consultation we will notify you BEFORE your appointment and you can then decide if you would like to keep the appointment and pay cash. 2. Paying Cash We offer different packages for our cash patients. These packages are tailored to suit your needs and affordability. Each package includes different treatment modalities. We do have card facilities and you are welcome to pay by card or cash. 3. Credit: Mediwallet If you are not able to pay cash or do not have medical aid, consider paying with ZeroPay, a medical credit facility that allows you to make monthly payments over 3 months.
Will Your Medical Aid Cover The SessionsWe are contracted into most medical aids and charge 100% of the scheme rate so you don’t have to pay anything above the medical aid rate. Below is a list of the medical aids that typically cover Chiropractic treatment: Discovery Medical Aid Medscheme AECI Bankmed Barloworld Bestmed Bonitas (excluding Boncap, Bonstart and Bonstart Plus) CAMAF Fedhealth GEMS Health Squared (formerly Spectramed and Resolution Health) Libcare Medihelp Medshield Polmed SABC Medical Aid Sasolmed